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Today's Dietitian
E-Newsletter    June 2023
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Editor's E-Note

Are Dairy Foods the Best Calcium Sources?

Clients interested in following an ovo-vegetarian, vegan, or pescatarian diet may ask you this question if they’ve only relied on dairy sources, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, for their daily calcium needs.

In this month’s E-News Exclusive, Today’s Dietitian (TD) discusses the importance of calcium for overall health, the wide variety of plant-based calcium sources available, the RDA from infancy to older adulthood, strategies to increase calcium absorption, and more.

After reading the article, visit Today's Dietitian's website to read the digital edition of our May issue. The June/July digital issue is on the way and will include articles on sodium reduction, the Global Malnutrition Composite Score, regenerative agriculture, stopping food and body shaming, and the culinary treasures of Turkish cuisine.

Please enjoy the E-Newsletter and give us your feedback at TDeditor@gvpub.com, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

— Judith Riddle, editor
In This E-Newsletter
Visit our Toolkit Page for Additional Resources
E-News Exclusive
Getting Plant-Based Calcium in the Diet

By Sharon Palmer, MSFS, RDN

Help clients who choose plant-based, dairy-free diets meet calcium needs through plant-based sources.

The plant-based eating trend continues to grow, in particular, in the dairy aisle. An increasing array of plant-based dairy alternatives in supermarkets demonstrates just how popular plant-based, dairy-free diets are among consumers. But how can dietitians ensure their clients get enough calcium? While dairy products do provide calcium in the diet, this important mineral can be found in many plant-based foods. However, it’s important to educate clients on meeting their calcium needs to maintain good health.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Most of the body’s calcium is in bones, including teeth, where it plays an integral part in bone structure and contributes to a calcium bank. Bones are gaining and losing this abundant mineral continuously as part of a remodeling process. When calcium intake is adequate, bones benefit; when intake is low, bones suffer. The body takes calcium from bones when it isn’t getting enough calcium in the diet, which can lead to weakened bones. Vitamin D, along with regular exercise, helps the body absorb and process calcium, too.

What’s more, nutrients such as protein, magnesium, and antioxidants play critical roles in maintaining bone health. So, it’s important to ensure clients are getting adequate sources of these nutrients for bone health, too. In addition to bone health, calcium is important for other body functions, such as muscle contractions, releasing hormones, and transmitting messages through the nerves.

Field Notes
Foods With Flavonols Linked to Reduced Risk of Frailty

Eating plant-based foods that contain dietary compounds called flavonols can lower the chances of developing frailty.

Foods like apples and blackberries that contain flavonoids called quercetin may be the most important for frailty prevention. The findings were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition article, "Higher Intake of Dietary Flavonols, Specifically Dietary Quercetin, Is Associated With Lower Odds of Frailty Onset Over 12 Years of Follow-Up Among Adults in the Framingham Heart Study.” This is one of the first community-based studies that comprehensively examined the role of dietary flavonoids in frailty prevention.

Approximately 10% to 15% of older adults experience frailty, a geriatric syndrome that leads to a greater risk of falls, fractures, disability, hospitalization, and mortality. Current dietary recommendations for frailty prevention primarily focus on protein intake. However, there are many other foods that may have health benefits.

The frailty study had 1,701 participants that underwent frailty assessment at baseline and at follow-up. About 55.5% of participants were women, with an average age of 58.4. After the 12-year follow-up, about 13% of participants developed frailty.

“There may be some validity to the old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor (or frailty) away,” the authors say. “Our findings suggest that for every 10 mg higher intake of flavonols per day, the odds of frailty were reduced by 20%. Individuals can easily consume 10 mg of flavonols per day since one medium-sized apple has about 10 mg of flavonols.”

Other Nutrition News
WHO Warns Against Sugar Substitutes
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that popular sugar substitutes shouldn’t be used for weight loss or disease prevention, reports Fox News. Instead, the WHO recommends using sugars that are naturally occurring, such as from fruit, or simply opting for unsweetened food and beverage options. The recommendations are based on a review of 283 studies that measured sugar substitutes in different demographics.

Vegetables Can Help Improve Mental Well-Being
If you’re feeling down, eating just one additional serving of vegetables can equal a daily walk, reports The Washington Post. The publication compiled multiple studies and reviews that bolstered this claim saying that increased intake of fruits and vegetables can have a positive impact on depression and anxiety.
Continuing Education
CPE Monthly

Learn about the most recent dietary guidelines for Americans, from dietary recommendations for children aged 0-24 months to recommendations for pregnant and lactating women, in this month’s issue of Today’s Dietitian. Read the CPE Monthly article, take the 10-question online test at CE.TodaysDietitian.com/CPEmonthly, and earn two CPEUs!

Now you can save on CPE Monthly articles! Access 12 courses and their corresponding quizzes for about $8/credit when you sign up for our CPE Monthly Pass!

Upcoming Live Webinars

Lipedema and Lymphedema — Two Conditions Dietitians Weren't Taught but Should Have Been
Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 2–3:30 pm ET
Presented by Jean LaMantia, RD
1.5 CEUs | Register Now »

Benefits of Reducing Sugar and Carbs: Beyond Weight Loss
Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 2–3 pm ET
Presented by Jonathan Clinthorne, PhD, and Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD
1 CEU FREE | Sponsored by Simply Good Foods USA, Inc. Simply Good Foods USA, Inc., is pending approval from the CDR to offer 1.0 CEU for this webinar. | Register Now »

Teaching in Higher Education: How to Make Lessons Engaging and Inclusive
Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 2–3 pm ET
Presented by Felicia Porrazza, MDA, RDN, LDN, CPT, NBC-HWC
1 CEU | Register Now »

Empathetic Nutrition Counseling for the Disability Community
Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 2–3 pm ET
Presented by Tracy Williams, BS
1 CEU | Register Now »

Menarche to Menopause: A Team Approach for Treating Female Athletes with RED-S Across the Lifespan
Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 2–3:30 pm ET
Presented by Val Schonberg, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD, NCMP, FAND, and, Courtney Gleason, MD
1.5 CEUs | Register Now »

Recorded Webinars

From Kitchen to Clinic: Practical Applications of Culinary Medicine
Presented by Leah Sarris, MBA, RDN, LDN
1 CEU FREE | Sponsored by California Strawberry Commission. California Strawberry Commission is pending approval by the CDR to offer 1.0 CEU for this webinar. | Access Recording »

The Mediterranean Diet and the Immune System: What Are the Potential Effects?
Presented by Christine Randazzo Kirschner, MS, RD, CDN
1 CEU FREE | Sponsored by National Honey Board. | Access Recording »

Working with ARFID in Real Life: The Clinician's Experience for Individuals Struggling with ARFID
Presented by Lisa Carroll, MS, RDN, LDN, and Emily Presbrey, MS, RDN, LDN
1.5 CEUs | Access Recording »

An Interprofessional Approach to the Non-Pharmacological Management of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Presented by Cheryl Harris, MPH, RDN, LD
1.5 CEUs | Access Recording »

Recently Added Self-Study Courses 2024 Spring Symposium

Registration for our 11th annual Spring Symposium is Now Open! Take advantage of the Early-Bird Registration Rate of just $249 and plan to join us in Salt Lake City, Utah, from May 19 to 22, 2024. Each day will offer a full array of learning opportunities, fitness activities, great food, networking, and exploration of new products. Additional details are forthcoming.


Want a chance to be a part of the Spring Symposium presenter line up? The Call for Abstracts is open—learn more and submit your proposal here!
Tech & Tools
Assistance in Recovering From Disordered Eating
Recovery Warriors has developed an app to help people rise above their eating disorders. Called Rise Up + Recovery, the app aims to assist users in logging their recovery journey with daily meal logs. The logs can then be exported to PDFs and shared with recovery professionals. Rise Up also offers resources such as blogs and podcasts about recovering from disordered eating. The app is available on iOS and Android.

Fighting the Struggle Meals
Often, if a person has little left in the pantry, it could lead to a quick meal out that might be costly or not healthful. SuperCook enables users to select the ingredients they have on hand, and the app generates a recipe that uses those foods, spices, and oils. Not only does this help reduce the urge for takeout, but it also helps reduce food waste in the process. SuperCook can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store or the Google Play store.
Print Preview
In the June/July Issue

 • Sodium Reduction
 • Regenerative Agriculture
 • The Global Malnutrition Composite Score
 • A Taste of Turkey
 • Stopping Food and Body Shaming
Current Issue
Current Issue
North African Roots of the Med Diet
Mention the Med diet and thoughts of Italy or Greece may come to mind. But many of the food staples, spices, and flavorful dishes originated in the northern region of the Motherland. Find out more so you can better counsel clients.

The World of Aquatic Foods
Discover how nutritious and sustainable blue foods are and the certifications that can help clients choose safe, healthful options.

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Have a product or service you want to market to nutrition professionals? Utilize the reach of Today’s Dietitian Magazine to accomplish your marketing goals. Email our experienced account executives today at sales@gvpub.com or call 800-278-4400 for more information.

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